vicki & eric's home & studios
For over twenty five years Vicki, Eric and I have worked together on this small terrace house in Sydney. Both are gifted visual artists who now exclusively work from home.
Waverley in Eastern Sydney is wonderfully located close to the beach and city however many of the original terrace houses are small and badly built. This one was no different with termite problems due to poor building, ventilation and drainage. The whole block of land on which this house sits is smaller than the footprint of most Australian homes.
Small modifications that matched budget and lifestyle have seen this home develop in three stages from a dark, cramped, damp collection of rooms overlooked by neighbours into a series of spaces that are private and filled with light, air, greenery and art.
First we squeezed bathroom & laundry into the side access (their doors almost camouflaged) making an enclosed lightwell for the expanded living room (we sacrificed a tiny bedroom) and allowing the rear of the house to open onto a covered patio and yard.
Next we built a painting studio and spare bedroom into the roof space, taking care to have good ventilation (Vicki works with oils) and the best natural lighting we could manage (without heating up the small space). From the dormer window of the spare bedroom there now were glimpses of ocean for Eric (a keen swimmer and surfer).
The most recent change was to build an outdoor studio for Eric to allow him also to work from home. With this new building we removed the view of flats behind and conversely it doesn't feel at all as we have lost space but gained it!
During covid lockdowns this house has been a quiet haven for Vicki and Eric. Over the years it has also been big enough to welcome family members and friends to stay for extended periods of time without getting underfoot.
We have plans future collaborations with a rural gallery on the wish list some day down the track.
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